I happen to know that history is nothing but a spin and metaphor, which is what all yarns are made up of, when you strip them down to the underlay. And what makes a hit or a myth, of course, is how that story is told, and by whom. - Joanne Harris
If you can still write in spite of the fact that you're not getting paid, that nobody cares about what you're writing, that nobody wants to publish it, that everybody is telling you to do something else, and you still want to and you still enjoy it and you can't stop doing it...then you're a writer. - Joanne Harris
I believe that being happy is the only important thing. Happiness. Simple as a glass of chocolate or torturous as the heart. Bitter. Sweet. Alive. - Joanne Harris
I dreamt that I was old. And you – you were beside me.Forever young – in your hand, a cup of stars. - Joanne Harris
No point carrying useless ballast. It won't change a thing. - Joanne Harris